Electric Vehicle Charging

Staying in charge

With the growing demand for electric vehicles both on and off the road, the need for charging points has increased dramatically. And while a lot of petrol stations and car parks have now implemented the appropriate infrastructure, the challenge for companies that are performing tasks off-grid and looking to keep machinery and vehicles powered up, is increasing by the day. Taking an electric forklift or digger to an offsite charging point is often out of the question, so with the help of our Hussh Pod battery units, construction sites can keep things moving and productivity on target.

Want to charge your vehicle quicker at home and don’t have a 3 phase supply? Then why not use one of our Hussh Pods. With our wizardry we can take a single phase supply and turn it into a 3 phase output giving you a much faster way to recharge your vehicle without the need to dig up your drive!

Want to spread the demand on grid load and charge your vehicle at any time of day at the cheapest rate? then why not store your electricity in a Hussh Pod and recharge your vehicle at a much cheaper rate!

Our Hussh Pods are convenient, portable, and extremely effective. We’ve helped companies throughout the world save money on fuel, help reduce carbon emissions, hit green targets and power up their infrastructure when a source of electricity isn’t available.

Get in touch with our team to find out more.

Pioneering hybrid generators built for industry allows us to sustainably help the world live in a cleaner environment.

Case Studies

Peckham – Construction

Hawkhurst – Construction

